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Getting Started Plot Understanding Advanced Ranking Submit a correction

Getting started

To get started with Phys Author Rank Algorithm insert the lastname (eventually followed by the initials) of a scientist. If only one author of the database satisfies your search's criteria then a plot showing the evolution of the scientific rank of this scientist will be displayed. In case of more scientists satifying your search's criteria, a list of authors will be shown. After clicking on one of them, the plot showing the evolution of the scientific rank of this scientist will be displayed.

Understanding the plot

Phys Author Rank Algorithm quantifies the scientific merit of a selected author as the percentage of scientists with better rank than the selected one. The better is his importance the lower is the percentage of authors with an higher rank. This quantity is plotted as a function of time in order to follow the evolution of the rank of the author.

The height of the gray bars represents the relative rank of the selected author at a given period of time, while their width stands for the period of time when such rank have been quantified. The orange curve is obtained by interpolation and gives a nicer graphical visualization of the evolution of the rank of the selected author.

Advanced ranking option

Phys Author Rank Algorithm allows to make more detailed search criteria. By default, the relative rank of a scientist is calculated with respect to all authors of the database. However, one may restrict the rank only in relation to a smaller subset of the entire population: examples are scientists who have published in a specific journal or authors who have written papers in particular sub-fields of physics. By clicking on the "Advanced Ranking" button, an understandable "Ranker Dashboard" will allow you to choose between several finer search criteria.

Submit a correction

Our database is affected by two main sources of error, which decrease the quality of the analysis made by Phys Author Rank Algorithm. These sources of error are briefly described below. In order to improve the quality of our results we kindly ask for your help.

Authors' identification

There are several authors who are considered as different in our database despite these "artificial" scientists correspond in reality to the same physical person (sometimes this error is caused by a single letter or an accent, but in other cases by less identifiable reasons). This fact of course reduces the rank of the involved scientist because citations are divided between two or more artificial authors who actually correspond to the same one.

Authors' disambiguation

There are cases in which different authors correspond to the same scientist in our database. As a consequence, we cannot track the real evolution of the scientific rank of these authors because the result is a superposition of ranks acquired by different persons. Phys Author Rank Algorithm allows users to submit corrections in order to properly disambiguate scientists. We kindly ask for your help in order to improve the quality of our results.

© 2009 Phys Author Rank Algorithm